Western Electricity Coordinating Council

Environmental and Cultural Considerations

WECC explores ways to transform land, wildlife, cultural, historical, archaeological and water resource data into a form useable in System Adequacy Planning. The ability to visualize land data and analyze that data to reveal relationships, patterns and trends is important in determining where to place new transmission. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data is an input to WECC’s Long-Term Planning Tool (LTPT). Environmental, cultural, risk and terrain data are captured in GIS data as inputs to the LTPT. Transmission paths are geospatially optimized within the LTPT. The goal is to minimize the cost and impacts (e.g., environmental, financial) of building new transmission paths.

NOTE: The Cultural Data Viewer includes the same content as the Environmental Data Viewer plus additional cultural resource-specific data. User information is required to access the Cultural Data Viewer. Both tools require the use of Chrome or Firefox web browsers.